Courage Muay Thai have created this webpage in order to promote the sport of Muay Thai and to make contact with other clubs with a view to obtaining competition for our fighters.
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sup courage:)just dropin a coment first time on the website haha love the trainin dont plan on stoping:):D
07/27/2009 at 11:55am (UTC)
Helo! Anja and your children is very velcome to training in august! We going to Thailand in the end of augst. We will training hard. We are going to have a boxing evening in Vaggeryd 26 of September.
Best regards Soren
Hi Soren and barnen, I'm just getting going again with the home page. Have been very busy with work. Anja and family will be in sweden in august to train. All the best in Muay THai Sport
vaggeryds muay thai
03/26/2009 at 9:27am (UTC)
hello good thai from your fighters.i have operated my hip and iam just started to training again.tommmy has allso been operated in his neck but training now.oliver and felix going for sm next week.good luck to erik.sören oliver felix
Hello my irish friends just want to say thank u for a great weekend and good sparring hope to se you all again after xmas!
p.s left my email up on the top feel free to write me...
Good luck David James and all of u seans on ur uppcoming fights
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(c) Courage Muay Thai 2009